Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cause It's the Thriller!

So seeing as it is almost Homecoming and Halloween is coming up pretty quickly now too, I decided to do a post dedicated to the dance and music video Thriller. First off I would like to say: Why do we not have music videos like that anymore?! What is wrong with the world today? I don't care if it's cheesy and the animation is horruible, that's partly what makes it so amazing! I'm sick and tired of all of these crude and nasty music videos today, I mean really, be more original. Follow Michael Jackson's lead, in music and videos that is! The 80's in general just had amazingly awesome music and videos to go along with them. I don't care how tacky their clothing was or how there is too much keyboard in the music, it's just great. That's pretty much the best I can sum it up as. Back to Thriller. Here's the original video: Thriller. Also, why is Michael Jackson such an amazing dancer? How is that humanly possible? It's just not fair. Speaking of his dancing skills, I happened to come across a series of videos on Youtube about how to do the Thriller dance. I watched them all and I approve. I can now successfully, for the most part, do the whole Thriller dance. And now you can too! If you have patience... Thriller Dance here ya go :) now go off and learn it so you can impress EVERYONE. Or not. Just imagine: everyone standing in a circle around you as you dance to Thriller immaculately. They cheer and watch you with jealous eyes. Actually probably not. In reality they wouldn't care and most likely you would freeze up in fear, but hey, it's still a fun dance to learn. Just make sure some of your friends know it too so you're not the only one stuck doing it. I also found a video on how to moonwalk, but i'm gonna keep that little trick to myself. Also i'm lazy and you could probably easily find it yourself. Anyway have fun "Thrilling the World" with you're newly discovered mad dance moves!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Scary Movies

I am a huge wimp. I get scared so easily. It's pathetic. Shaun of the Dead, a zombie parody, scared me. With that being said, I truly don't understand what it is that scares me so much. Horror movies generally tend to be really ridiculous, and the really good ones just mess with your head. Last summer I had a brief period of horror invincibility. I'm not quite sure what did it, I think it depends on who I am with. I had a horror movie marathon with a different advocate over the summer who does not scare as easily and I think that caused me to relax a bit, that and she threatened to punch me if I screamed. I tried to be the same kind of leader as her when I watch horror movies with other friends now but I just can't seem to keep up my courageous facade! I desperately need some more training. At one point I was able to succesfully watch The Grudge, The Ring 2, and Paranormal Activity consecutively without being phased. And then I fell asleep, no nightmares included! It was amazing, but I did slightly miss the thrill of being scared, I just wish it didn't result in my imagination exaggerating the events and scaring me more. My breaking point was being forced to watch I Am Legend on a bus full of high-schoolers. I hate that movie and always will. The sad part is that it isn't even a horror movie! Anyway the mutated humans just scare me to death, and with that I had an epiphany: mutated humans/cannibals are my biggest fear! Carnivorous animals don't bother me, and regular cannibals don't bother me, but when it comes to mutants and creatures you can count on me to scream myself hoarse. So yeah, I Am Legend, Quarantine, and other movies of that sort are sure to scare me. Quartantine is probably the scariest movie that I have ever seen. I categorize zombies as mutated humans so that makes sense, I suppose. Anyway there is a ton of gore and suspense and tension, and the worst part is that the zombie disease is airborne. It's a mutated form of Rabies, how gross is that? Rabid humans eating other humans all trapped in a small apartment complex with a little dog named Martini. In a completely different direction I find it amusing how people tend to care more about the survival of the victims pets in movies rather than the victim themself. I admit to doing this, I have a soft spot for animals seeing as I own a dog. I am always more upset when a dog gets hurt than when a human does. That is why I refuse to watch Paranormal Activity 2. I was planning on watching it in theaters until I heard that there was a dog. Then I immediately decided that I would never watch it. Something bad always happens to the dog or cat first. It's horrible. So in yet another direction I will close up this blog with some advice when watching horror movies: try to refrain from screaming, it scares everyone in the room. Think about how stupid the main character is for just standing in the middle of a haunted cornfield rather then screaming at them to move their butt! Do not watch a movie in the dark, alone, in a cold basement. You are setting yourself up for nightmares. And finally don't dwell on what happened in the movie! Even if it is "based" off a true story it is almost completely fabricated. Don't let your imagination let you think that it is more than it is. Take this advice and you can be the one yelling at people to shut up rather than the one being yelled at.

Stupid Music

Have you ever noticed how music tends to associate itself with a time or feeling in your life? Well I have and let me tell you, it is very annoying. If the time it was associated with was very good, I feel like I need to preserve that by rarely listening to that song. Also I get jealous of how things were for me then. And then there's the obvious association; sad songs with a sad time in your life. It's just not fair! Perfectly good music has been spoiled for me by emotions! Some of my favorite songs from last year have become taboo. Thank Jesus for new music!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Super Sleuth

I love Nancy Drew PC games. Go ahead and say it, we all know it's true. I'm a nerd. I enjoy playing computer games meant for 10 year olds. But I am not ashamed. These games let you take on the alias of Nancy Drew and snoop around and solve mysteries, the whole works. Now granted these aren't your average whodoneit murder mystery plots, but hey a little originality is good for you. The earlier games closely followed the Nancy Drew book series but the latest ones only loosely follow several different plots, which is why I think they have been lacking lately. I'm not saying that they're bad now, just that they have not been improving much. The plot has been softened to fit the younger crowd and the overly concerned parents of those children. I respect that Her Interactive, the company that makes these games, actually takes the time to listen and attempt to meet all of the needs and wants of the consumers but you can't please everyone and trying to do so results in a product that is less than it should be. Now there is a new game coming out this October and I am really really hoping that it will be on par with the older games, with updated graphics of course, I don't think anyone want's a repeat of those horrible 2D graphics. So the plot for this game sounds a lot like a mix of The Grudge and Ghost Hunters and I am very very excited to try it out. It sounds like it has a lot of potential, mostly because they have finally decided to stop trying to please everyone and have gone with a ghost theme despite those opposed to the mention of ghosts and those too scared to play it. Now i'm not one to judge, but if you don't like the plot then obviously don't play it. Oh, and also please don't be selfish by tailoring the game to fit just your needs and then be stubborn when someone else suggests something else. I am so tired of reading the appalled comments about this game that hasn't even come out yet. I mean really, save it. Who cares? That's the way it is. Too scary? Don't play it. Against your values? Don't play it. Sounds stupid? Don't play it! That may sound mean but just stop spoiling it for everyone else by being a sourpuss. Anyway I found this website dedicated entirely to the new game: Shadow At The Water's Edge. It's a bit reminiscent of my favorite game, Message in a Haunted Mansion. I have already recruited many of my friends to these execellent mystery games and I hope that you will risk your reputation for the enjoyment of sleuthing. I shall keep you updated on the progress of this new game and I will most definitely review it once I buy it. Peace!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Modest Mouse

So I have really been wanting to listen to some songs off the CD "Good News For People Who Love Bad News" by Modest Mouse lately. My sister forced me to listen to them a while back and, not surprisingly, I loved them. As always when I asked if I could borrow the CD to speedily upload it to the computer, she said no, leaving me craving the music until finally it becomes too much and I find myself spending tons of money buying music that I could easily get for free from my sister. So now, since so far this blog has had absolutely no point, I shall give you a link to the three best songs from the CD: Bury Me With It, The View, and of course the ever popular, with good reason, Float On. So take a listen and tell me what you think! Despite this influx of a measley two songs I have grown bored of my current music. Finally getting those songs off of iTunes would definitely help, but any new music suggestions at all would be great, after all how can I write a blog about my experiences with new music without the new music?
Anyway here are some of my boring old songs for you to take a guess at:
  1. Love, love, is a verb, love is a doing word. Feathers on my breath.
  2. I'm on fire and now I think i'm ready to bust a move, check it out i'm rockin' steady.
  3. And you said, it was like fire burning around the brim, burning solid, burning thin, the burning rim.
  4. I got my head checked by a jumbo jet. It wasn't easy but nothing is.
  5. Rosemary, heaven restores you in life. You're coming with me through the aging, the fearing, the strife.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Cowardly Dog Named Courage

Seeing as all of my earlier posts have been bashing on modern entertainment, I decided it was time I finally complimented it. I love the show Courage the Cowardly Dog, hence the profile picture. There are no neutral feelings about that show, you either love it or hate it. I happen to love it. It's about an elderly couple living in an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere with a little pink dog named Courage. In every episode something strange and absurd happens and it's up to Courage to protect the oblivious Muriel from the impending doom that always seems to follow her and her husband Eustace around. I think the reason that I love this show is because it has been on air since I was little and I used to watch it all the time. Also, it is just so ridiculous. I say ridiculous because it is a somewhat neutral word; some may think that it is ridiculous and pointless and makes no sense, and others will say that it's ridiculous and hilarious and excellent. Now i'm not saying that I love every episode, because I don't. Some tend to be disturbing and a little too scary for a show targeted at children. I know that some of the episodes used to terrify me as a child. The remaining episodes are funny. Again, there is no in-between. I enjoy the humorous episodes more, obviously. Needless to say I am glad that Cartoon Network decided to play this show on TV again.

Degrassi Gone Bad

When I was in middle school I used to watch Degrassi: The Next Generation pretty much every night. It was definitely one of my favorite, if not my favorite, shows. It focused on the lives of several high school students and featured episodes on real issues such as internet dating, cutting, and homosexuality. The characters all started out in middle school (at Degrassi; it is a junior high school and high school combined in Canada) and were followed through their first year of college. The series started out with minor events featuring the headstrong Emma. The issues were mostly dealing with the characters getting a Saturday School, or getting in trouble with the principle for over-the-line protesting. As the characters grew up, their problems did too. It became more exciting as Craig faces mental illness, Liberty finds out that she's pregnant, and Manny considers getting plastic surgery. As you can probably already tell by what i've explained this show was not meant for middle-schoolers anymore. To sum it all up, it was a pretty great show. Recently, however, it has been majorly lacking. The character's that I knew and loved have grown up and have been forgotten. They have been replaced by superficial, two dimensional characters, who just don't grow on you. The problems have escalated to ridiculous heights with sex and drugs in every episode, not to mention the repeat of problems the original cast had. I can't stand to watch what has become of my favorite show. It disgusts me. Yet I still watch it. "Why?" you may ask, well I guess I still have some hope that the show will turn around and match what it once was, but I highly doubt that. One thing that I have come to realize is that all shows tend to lose their appeal after a while, like rotten fruit or moldy bread. Is it that the audience gets bored with the show? Or is it that the writers draw a blank? Maybe it's both. But then again, I would be wrong in saying that all shows lose their popularity. I mean, think of how long Family Guy and The Simpsons have been running. It must be that TV shows with random plots that aren't related from episode to episode are popular for a lot longer because there isn't a set plot to stick to. Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that Degrassi needs to just lay down the script and discontinue the show because it is just not what it used to be.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A "Lost" Battle

Recently I have been very obsessed with the show Lost, as a lot of people are with good reason. It has an interesting and upbeat plot, complex characters, and endless surprises. I would have to say it is probably one of my favorite shows now, though nothing could ever beat out Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but that's a different story. Anyway I digress. The reason for the title of this particular blog stems from the fact that I am very stubborn and very different, or at least I try to be different. Lost, being the popular series that it is, sounded very unappealing to me when I was first told to watch it, for that very reason. I don't like popular music or TV shows, movies are a different story, if they're popular it's usually for a good reason. Anyway I don't like mainstream media because it is mainstream and though a lot of people just enjoy it as it is I feel like a lot of other people only pretend to like it so they can fit in with the majority. I may be wrong but how else can I explain the mass attraction to the horrible so-called music on the radio today? I mean the songs are so simple and petty, repetitive choruses, superficial lyrics, bad singing. I just don't see the appeal of this music at all. Again I digress. Back to my main point. So I didn't want to watch Lost because I didn't want to conform, but then my parents started watching it and being as it was summer and I had nothing better to do, I started watching it too. At first I fought it and refused to watch it with them, but then they started watching the second season a few weeks ago and I, against my better judgement, got completely sucked in. Now I am an enthusiastic enthuisist, so to speak. I watch as many episodes as I can rationally squeeze into one night. My only regret is that I did not watch the whole first season so now I am completely confused by some of the causes of events happening now. So there you have it, I have conformed to Lost and I am finally ok with it.

And now I shall move on to the premier of the iPod game! I'll put my iPod on shuffle, list the lyrics to the first three songs, and then you will, hopefully, try and guess what song it is and what artist it is by:
  1. Nothing is lost, only a memory; A glitch in my heart until you come back to me.
  2. Everyone is, everyone is broken. Everything is, everything is broken. Why can't you forget?
  3. She found a lonely salve, she keeps on waiting for time out there. Oh love, can you love me babe? Love, is this loving babe? Is time turning around?


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Modern Rap versus 20th Century Rap

Before I start I would like to say that the title of this post can be misleading. I don't by any means consider myself a rap fan but I am very opinionated about this certain subject. I hate modern rap. I seriously hate it. I think it is one of the most pointless genres of music, if you could even categorize it as such. All it consists of is reciting vulgar lyrics in a swift monotone with a bass booming obnoxiously in the background. I'm not completely opposed to rap, though. In fact I like it in certain situations. One of my favorite songs is American Boy by Estelle and Kanye. The rap isn't too long and there is some actual music in the background. Another kind of rap that I don't mind is older rap, which brings me to my point. Rap in the 80's and 90's was so much better. There was funky background rhythms and the rap wasn't so monotone. Take the theme to Fresh Prince of Bel Air for example, the lyrics are indearing and Will Smith's tone of voice shifts to match those lyrics. Another example would be Me Myself and I by De La Soul. Notice the super funky music in the background. So much better. Also the lyrics are not completely disgusting and crude. So that's the end of my little rave.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to Midge's World!

So I know what you're probably thinking, who is this Midge person and why should I read this blog? Well I guess you'll just have to decide for yourself who I am and what i'm all about now won't you? For the time being this blog will be about music, and movies, and TV, oh my! My ultimate goal for this year is to accumulate as much new (and good) music as possible! The same goes for movies. I tend to be very picky when it comes to music. I like rock, alternative, indie, and a very very small amount of hip hop and techno and such. So if you have any suggestions at all that would be greatly appreciated. One thing I hope to do about once a week is have a little game up for you guys, or guy depending on how many people decide to follow. The game is called guess the song! I'll put up lyrics from five different songs and the point is for you to guess which song that is. Sound fun? I sure hope so!