Sunday, January 9, 2011

V: The Final Battle

My first day back from Winter Break was spent watching all three parts to an 80's sci-fi mini series called V: The Final Battle. Though the Special effects were quite mediocre and some of the acting was less than stellar, I was hooked. The series is about seemingly peaceful aliens who visit Earth asking the humans for help. The real reason for the visit of these reptilian extra terrestrials is to take all of the food and water from Earth due to a shortage on their home planet. Did I mention that by food they mean the humans? Creepy, right? Well luckily for the humans, not all of these aliens are bent on destroying humanity. Some want compromise. Together, a group of rogue aliens and humans join forces to defeat their leader, Diana, and her strong military force equipped with powerful laser guns. Not an easy feat. And that's about all I can tell you without giving something away. Sorry, but you are going to have to see this for yourself.

Now for my thoughts on the series. I thought is was pretty good for an old series with minor actors, by minor I mean not widely known. I even sacrificed sleeping to find out what happened in the end, which was finally revealed at midnight. I have to admit I was a little disappointed by the ending. After 6 hours of watching several different interesting plots build up and mesh together I think I have a right to be. Don't get me wrong, the ending wasn't bad, just not a surprise. And there was a cliff hanger. Now that's just unfair. If you're going to make a sequel then go right ahead and hang, but after two sequels I think it's a little unfair for it to end that way. I'm just being whiney though. That was the only exciting part of the end.

You all might have heard of the new TV series called V starring Elizabeth Mitchell from Lost. Well sadly I know about as much as you do, if you know anything, about this updated version. Though now more than ever I feel the urge to watch it. As soon as I do watch it, which I will be sure to, you can bet your boots that I will do a post on it.

Now, since this post is getting quite long with no picture or video breaks, I will show you my favortie scene, which also happens to be the most ridiculous/hilarious scene:

I commend the producers for the effort, but the special effects just ruin the dramatic effect.

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